Home » Detention of Ajith Rajagopal – Dr. S. Faizi

Detention of Ajith Rajagopal – Dr. S. Faizi

by Jayarajan C N

The detention of Ajith Rajagopal, a climate activist, was condemnable. Glad that he is released, though it would have been nice if he had proceeded to Sharm Al shaikh, rather than return as advised by the Indian embassy.

Our media is surprised by the detention. But will that surprise me, an Indian living in India. 129 men were arrested for attending a conf on education conf and kept in jail for 19 years, before finall released as innocents. In India’s Gujarat. Just an eg only. I havent yet heard of the ruthless regime in Egypt destroying the houses of democratic protesters with buldozers as happens in India now. And the media taking it as a normal and the judiciary looking the other way..

I havent yet heard of any Egyptian militia putting up pictures of women defending democratic rights put up on websites for ‘sale’ as happens in India.

I  havent heard of fact checkers put in jail in Egypt yet. Nor of comedians sent jail even before their art is delivered.

Sandeep Pandey and comrades were walking in Gujarat, like Ajith, peacefully, with a message of apology to Bilkis Banu the rape survivor in Gujarat last month, three persons who gave them food were also arrested.

Disha Ravi, much younger than Ajith, didnt even walk with a placard, she was just mobilising friends to create awareness abt climate change. She was arrested by Modi regime, Delhi police went to Bangalore and put her in a Delhi jail for hard core criminals just for that.

Hindutwa has pushed us outside the parlance of civilisation. Even the reprehensible Egyptian regime is no comparison.

   Dr. S. Faizi

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1 comment

P J James November 8, 2022 - 3:13 am

In solidarity


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